Society Confidential: 'Bob Benson' does Royal Oak

April 25th, 2014 | The Detroit News
“Pete Campbell” bristled about having to go to see GM execs in Detroit in last week’s episode of “Mad Men,” largely because his handsome nemesis, “Bob Benson,” was there. If only he knew! James Wolk, whoplays Benson (and Zach Cropper on CBS’ “The Crazy Ones” with fellow Detroiter Robin Williams),is actually in Metro Detroit quite a lot, as a Farmington Hills native and University of Michigan grad. Last week Wolk enjoyed his dinner at Bistro 82 in Royal Oak so much he visited the kitchen and tweeted “Making dessert in kitchen of Bistro 82 in Royal Oak, MI. If you haven’t been yet, check it out. #greatrestaurant,” along with a photo of himself with pastry chef Hillary Doan. Bistro 82 is in the old Sangria space on Lafayette.
Miley Cyrus, look away
Minding your manners is not something automatically associated with teenagers, but Juliette Lux and Madison Hunter insist that notion may need to be reconsidered. In an age of twerking and X-rated promwear, Juliette and Madison and a dozen other students from Grosse Pointe South High School wanted to see a return to elegance and good taste, so they formed Seniors for Etiquette. They hope to create prom etiquette awareness in young people with a contest inviting Metro Detroit high school students to post a short cellphone video to the “Seniors for Etiquette” Facebook page addressing prom etiquette — the do’s and don’ts. Such as: “We shouldn’t remove our shoes; we must eat using the proper utensils; and guys should open doors for their dates,” said Lux. “We’re promoting stuff like that.” The video with the most “likes” wins prizes from the Roostertail, including a $10,000 fireworks display at their prom (if it’s being held at the waterfront complex). Contest rules, prizes and a sample video can be seen on Videos must be posted to “Seniors for Etiquette” by Tuesday.
We’re sorry to hear that Dennis “Machinegun” Thompson’s longtime partner, Patrice Patrick, died April 11, at 59. Patrick, a longtime fan of the MC5, met the group when she helped book them to play at her school, Steuben Jr. High, in Detroit. She met Thompson, the 5’s drummer, years later when he worked at an animatronics firm next to the restaurant where she waitressed. A romance blossomed, and they were together for 33 years. Services for Patrick, a cosmetologist, are at 5 p.m. Saturday at the John K. Solosy Funeral Home, 3206 Fort in Lincoln Park, with visitation from 2-5 p.m.
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