In The Suburbs

July 1, 2015 | Hour Detroit
There has been a lot of buzz
about this addition to Royal Oak’s
restaurant scene. The revamped
building has curb presence with its
black, shiny glass exterior. It is also
coupled with Sabrage, a second-
fl oor nightclub. But it is the food
and menu that really shine. The
kitchen turns out enticing, good
dishes with fun twists — from
gently spiced, hot sizzling marrow
bones to a steak tartare with the
appropriate balance of condiments
to beef. At fi rst glance, the
menu appears pretty standard.
But Bistro 82’s side dishes and
other accompaniments make
them all quite different. 401 S.
Lafayette Ave., Royal Oak; 248-
542-0082. D Tues.-Sun. Br. Sun.