Cupid sends bitter cold across Metro Detroit on Valentine's Day

February 15, 2015 | WXYZ Channel 7
OAKLAND COUNTY (WXYZ) - Erin Zupicich of Royal Oak braved bitterly cold temperatures to dine out on Valentine’s Day.
“I got an update actually from the news that it was going to be this cold, so I was dressed appropriately,” she said. “I just moved here from Los Angeles so it’s quite a shock for me,” she added.
The winter blast – which prompted a wind chill warning across Metro Detroit – is a shock for seasoned Michiganders, too. Many had big plans for the holiday.
“We’re celebrating our anniversary and Valentine’s Day,” Juan Gilbert of Southfield said. Not to be deterred from a romantic evening, he filled his tires with air at a gas station before driving to Novi.
“You gotta prepare for the worst,” Gilbert said. “You’re dealing with Michigan weather.”
As officials at the Road Commission for Oakland County can attest, the frozen roads really don’t benefit from any salt when it gets this cold outside.
“Especially when the wind is blowing the snow back over the road you can’t really see the road surface, I would urge caution,” spokesman Craig Bryson said.
Michael Vendittelli and his wife were among dozens of couples who navigated the roads and made it to their Valentine’s Day destination. The couple dined at Royal Oak’s Bistro 82.
His key to surviving the cold?
“Have somebody that you can warm up with,” Vendittelli said.
Others offered the tried and true practical advice.
“Layer up, get out here and bear the cold. Drive safely,” Gilbert said.